Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Picture Perfect Passage 5

The City that Never Sleeps
          Julie always wanted to go to New York, but her family could never afford the expensive trip. She knew that constantly asking her parents to take her would just make her sadder because she knew she could never go. Julie had a job, but could never make enough. Her money was always going to help pay the bills. Her parents only made enough money for the family to get by, nothing extra. Julie’s dad recently got fired which put them in an even more financial struggle.  Soon enough he found a new job and they gave him a cash bonus to help his family. Julie’s family had enough money to actually spend on themselves for once. Julie wasn’t expecting to get the long awaited New York trip though, maybe just a pair of new shoes, but her parents had something else in mind. Her parents decided to surprise her by putting 3 plane tickets to New York into a box. When her parents called her down to the kitchen she was confused by the small box sitting on the counter.
“Sit down. We have a present for you.” They said while handing the box to her.
Julie opened the box and screamed.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” she said while hugging them.

Julie was filled with happiness. She didn’t think this day would actually come. She finally was able to visit the city, the Statue of Liberty, and so forth. 

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